Koru Kidz Pump Track Excursion

Thursday 21 December 2023

This is our weekly regular excursion for our three year old's affectionately known as Koru Kidz.  These excursions are lead by Avis and assisted by Cara and Nicky and provide opportunities for our three year old's to explore in an area full of open-ended learning opportunities.  It is during these occasions we really drive our Country Kidz vision nurturing the learning and development of future kaitiaki.  Our tamariki really enjoy these nature-based experiences and the picnicking that is part of the outing!   Please ensure your tamariki have appropriate clothing for the conditions, and their lunchbox and drink bottle.

Full RAMS are attached and available at the Sign In Sheets as well.  As this is a regular excursion, all tamariki are able to participate if you ticked the yes in our Country Kidz enrolment form at the time of enrolment. 

For further information, please do not hesitate to talk with our teaching team Smile

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